Music Department/Music Boosters Events List

(aka, what we do!)

*** Please note that the following list is typically what we do during a “normal” school year ***

*this is not an all-inclusive list, but a general list of events throughout the school year that use parent and/or student volunteers.  If your student wishes to apply for one of the many scholarships available from the Music Boosters, our only requirement (other than completing an application) is that students personally volunteer for at least ONE Music Boosters run event for each year they are involved with the MHS Music Program.  Events are denoted by a ♫ symbol below.

Note – if an event is specific to one performing group (ie:  Band or Chorus only concert), then the non-performing group can earn volunteer hours towards scholarship requirements by volunteering (ie:  District Band Festival sets up, serves pizza, then cleans up.  If a Chorus student volunteers, they will earn volunteer time).


  • Band Camp: volunteers are used to “chaperone” (on-field assistance), pick up and serve lunch, uniform fitters, sewers (hem pants and jackets)
  • Band Camp BBQ: volunteers set up, clean up, cook, donate food
  • Equipment Trailer maintenance: volunteers are needed to perform yearly PM on the equipment trailer to keep it in good running condition
  • Football games: there are several home games during each season, with approximately 30 volunteer spots for each game (many people do multiple jobs).  Jobs include:  rope off stands, move equipment/music stands/props/drum major podium onto and off the field before and after the show, set up and hand out water for the band, uniform assistance (issue and collect uniforms)
  • Labor Day Parade: volunteers walk with the band and provide water, drive the support vehicle and provide uniform assistance
  • Big E (Chorus performance field trip): chaperones
  • Chorus Uniform Fittings: measure and/or hem uniforms for chorus members
  • Band competitions: there are generally 3 band competitions/shows each season.  Volunteers are needed for uniform assistance (issue and collect uniforms at the school), on-field assistance (similar jobs to football games – move props, music stands, drum major podiums, etc), chaperones, help loading and unloading the equipment trailer.  A driver is also needed (that has a large truck with towing capabilities) to tow the equipment trailer to and from the competitions (must have adequate insurance)
  • ♫ Pumpkin Festival Weekend: The 2019 chairpersons are Kari and Luke Raiano.  LOTS of parent and student volunteers are needed for this event.  Shifts are only 2 hours.  The booth set up usually starts about Noon on Friday and the booth itself runs until 9pm.  Saturday shifts usually start at 8 am and go until 9pm.  Sunday shifts start at 8am and end about 3pm.  We will also be helping the Masons with the Haunted Trail this year, so will need a few student volunteers the weekend before to help set it up, and a couple volunteers for an hour or so both Friday and Saturday evening to help with applying stage make-up to the costumed characters “haunting” the trail.  We also need pie bakers (the booth sells pumpkin pie, beverages and Krispy Kreme donuts), and we typically meet the Thursday before (October 10th) at the Boys and Girls Club for a marathon baking session
  • Veteran’s Day Parade: chaperones (walk with the band), uniform assistance


  • ♫ Craft Fair Cookie Walk: volunteers are needed to bake LOTS of cookies, help set-up the booth/collect cookie donations (Friday evening), and staff the booth during the fair (8-3).  Last year we sold over 125 dozen cookies!  Previous years a bunch of us have met and used the kitchen at the Boys & Girls Club (with 4 ovens!) the Friday before the event
  • Concerts: both chorus and band have concerts throughout the school year.  We usually run a bake sale and a 50/50 raffle.  Volunteers are needed to staff the bake sale table (chorus volunteers run the table during the band concert, and band volunteers run the table during chorus concerts, so families can watch their students perform).  Volunteers are needed to pick up chairs at the end of each concert.  Chorus concerts also need admission donation collectors and someone to monitor the doors
  • Festivals: may require chaperones
  • ♫ All That Jazz concert: volunteers are needed for the committee (headed by Kari Raiano.).  Committee members organize the event, solicit silent auction items, hang flyers.  The day of the event, LOTS of volunteers are needed to set-up/clean up, supply food served at the event, serve food and beverages, run the silent auction table


  • Concerts: both Chorus and Band.  Volunteers are needed to staff bake sale tables, bake items for the bake sales, sell tickets (chorus concerts), 50/50 raffle
  • District Band Concert: the past 4 years, the Music Boosters have supplied and served pizza and drinks to the participants in the concert (band students from the entire Milford School District – grades 4-12) between their rehearsal and their performance.
  • Bedford Pre-Memorial Day Parade and Milford Memorial Day Parade: volunteers are needed to drive a follow-vehicle, chaperone/walk with the students, supply water, uniform assistance
  • Music Awards Banquet: each grade is assigned a type of item to bring.  Volunteers are needed to set-up and clean up
  • Graduation: volunteers are needed to supply water bottles/coolers and collect chorus uniforms after the ceremony is completed